DN_Jester V2 SAO

DN_Jester SAO

V2 Features

  • Attiny 1616 Microcontroller
  • 5 RGB Neopixel LEDs
  • 2 Buttons for LED control
  • Save your favorite color and animation speed settings.
  • Eyes of Despair
  • Tears of Pain

How to Use

The SAO is currently programmed so that you can Button 1, on the left side, will change settings for the Eye LEDs and Button 2, on the right side, will change the settings for the Tear LEDs. 
A single click will change the animation speed to 8 different rates.
A double click will change the LED color to 8 preset colors.
Hold the button down for 3 seconds to save the current setting into memory. This will load the setting when the badge is turned on. You can hold both buttons together to save both Eye and Tear settings. 


* Note about the battery *

When installing the coin cell battery, if your badge is not turning on, try checking that the battery is installed correctly. if you see the tabs in the battery clip under the coin cell battery on both sides, this is not correct. Lift up the left side of the metal tabs so they are above the battery on the left side of the badge (when look at the back side).
There should be metal tabs touching each side of the battery. if the tabs are both under the battery no electricity will flow. You need one tab touching the negative side of the coin cell battery and the other tab touching the positive side.

Battery Clip datasheet: https://app.adam-tech.com/products/download/data_sheet/197004/bh-49a-5-t-bk-data-sheet.pdf


Proceed only if you are willing to lose the Default code provided with the Badge.
At the time of writing, the source code is not available to share, we will resolve this ASAP so you can flash your badge back to the original program.

If you want to reprogram the Jester SAO Badge, you will need a few things.
First off, in order to program this MCU, there needs to be a suitable programmer. ATTiny 1616 (0, 1 and 2 Series) chip uses the UPDI method of programming.
Follow this guide for setting up your own UPDI programmer: https://hackaday.com/2022/04/15/this-diy-updi-programmer-is-nice-and-cheap/
Once you have the UPDI programmer set up with jtag2updi installed, then you can start to flash new code onto the Attiny using your favorite IDE. I personally use PlatformIO in VSCode. https://platformio.org/
In order to program this board using PlatformIO, first set up the extension in VSCode.
Once PIO is ready to go, start a new Project and select the board "ATtiny1616".